Court Street Bridge
Owego, NY
The new Court Street Bridge over the Susquehanna River and Interstate 86 was an opportunity to catalyze the renewal of Owego after the 1980’s loss of its industrial base.

The previous bridge combined seven 19th century through trusses over the river with two modern girder spans over Interstate 86. The space between the trusses didn’t accommodate today’s traffic, and the overhead bracing of the trusses blocked views of Tioga County’s historic Court House and Owego’s riverfront. The new bridge integrates all the spans into a single bridge: a long, continuous truss.

Since all of the steelwork is below the roadway, the views to the courthouse and riverfront are clear and memorable. Allowing sufficient height above the trucks on Interstate 86 required the bridge to subtly arch upward over the highway. As users approach the courthouse across the Susquehanna, it is at first partially hidden and then gradually revealed. A sidewalk along the upstream side of the bridge provides for the first time a safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as a marketing opportunity for the new businesses and buildings along the riverfront. All of these effects combine to make the crossing a celebratory entrance into Owego.

Looking away from the town center, the views extend all the way across the river and highway to the south bluff, tying the whole river and far shore into the town center.

The Susquehanna’s water level varies a lot throughout the year, creating dramatic scenes, especially in winter.

At the north end of the bridge an arched span accommodates the riverwalk that the town has extended along the riverbank to connect its downtown park with its new and historic riverfront buildings.

Since the bridge opened, Owego’s historic town center has experienced a renaissance, with new shops opening along Front Street and new residential condos being built overlooking the river. The bridge now provides access to numerous civic festivals.

During the Christmas season the city dresses the bridge with seasonal lights.